
A to Z Blogging Challenge

I figured I'd take a minute to mention this. RetiredKnitter over at My Next 20 Years Of Living found a really cool blogging activity called "A to Z Blogging Challenge." 

Basic premise is this: blog every day in April (except for Sundays). Start each post with a new letter of the alphabet. April 1 is A, and so on.

So yeah, I'm doin' it. If you want to join in, you can click the links, or the graphic above or in the sidebar. I'll wait.




So what will I write about, you ask? There's no content restriction in the actual challenge, but I'm giving myself a theme. 

I'll be blogging about where I live - places to go, things to do, food to eat, and hopefully more. My goal is to learn more about a community that I like to think I know well. (hocoblogs@@@) 

As of right now, I haven't really planned anything out. So... it's anyone's guess how hard or easy this challenge will be!

I'll also have scheduled content, so fear not, Food Versus Food fans.

You can find the posts, starting in April, under the label "A to Z".

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Wait - so does the title have to begin with the alphabet or the first word in the entry?

  2. The title. Well, I guess technically, the topic, but I'm looking at them as the same. So the first day, "A: Aardvark Hat" would be about aardvark hats.

    Or it would be if I had something so cool. ;)

  3. Thanks for announcing the Challenge. I will acknowledge this in my Friday Thank You post.

    To answer Alicia's question each day the prompt is the alphabet letter of the day. Your theme or topic can be anything related to that letter--in other words anything you connect to each letter.

    Mo--Hope you'll check my series that started this past Saturday about getting press for yourself as being connected with this challenge. If you are posting about places around where you live, I think that could make an excellent story to get placed in the local paper. Hope you'll try it!

    Tossing It Out
