
April or Bust

I had some goals for March. I didn't make a lot of them.

By Eirik Newth  [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

This might come as a surprise, given my sometimes-slacker 'tude and occasional failure to remember things, but it really bothers me when that happens. I don't like falling short. And that's sort of what I did, both in training and writing.

For training, I completed the National Half, but I was unhappy with my preparation and performance - more on that when I do the race report. 

For NaNoEdMo, I will be happy if I log 25 hours before the end of the month. It is not possible for me to finish 50 hours between now and then and remain sane. 

On the bright side...

I ran all 13.1 miles of National Half with virtually no knee pain. This is a vast improvement from three weeks ago. I will find another half to do in a few months and try for my goal time then. And until then, I will focus April on building strength, and building mileage in a way that does not re-aggravate my ITB.

For NaNoEdMo, much of the time I didn't spend editing, I spent either writing or reading. I don't consider this wasted time at all. It just means I will need to build editing time into April so I can make progress on this novel.

"Silver Lining" By ImUnicke (Own work) [GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons


  1. Wow, great cloud picture.

    Looks like you got it from an independent source - you didn't take the picture yourself.

    I haven't had much luck with that. Whenever I try, I can get the picture into the draft post - and sometimes into the final post. But when I return later to check it out - I have a little box with a quesion mark in it. I must be doing something wrong. Any ideas?

  2. I found it off of Wikimedia commons ( http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page ) It's pretty handy. :)

    As for embedding the pictures... are you adding them through URL? Uploading to a web album like Picasa?

  3. I took that photo with such a terrible camera, too.

    I must upload more to the Commons!
