
Thinking ahead.

I bought a pine scented candle a few weeks ago, just before all the Christmas things came out.

Normally, I'm not one to rush the Turkey. I like the holidays. I like the time taken to slow down and celebrate with family - particularly when I have such an awesome one on both sides. But this year, I'm craving a fresh pine wreath for the door, sparkling lights, pumpkin pie, ugly sweaters, and the peek out the window that happens when snow is in the forecast.

I think it has something to do with change - wanting to close the door on the things I'm finishing up, move on.

I'm thinking about the blog, too - not closing its doors, but some changes that I'm considering for 2012. Right now, SWR is a mashup of things I feel like typing about, books, local things, and sometimes food. In short, I'm considering narrowing the scope.

If there's something you've really enjoyed about the blog in the last year or so, or something you would like to see more of in 2012/SWRv2.0, please let me know in the comments, or send an email along to swimwriterun at gmail dot com.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about revamping my blog, too. Feel free to bounce your ideas off me if that helps. Good luck!
